
17 March 2020 / Club News



Despite the challenging times, we have made the decision to keep the club open for the time being and will continue to provide a food and drinks service. 

All rugby activities are currently suspended but the barsrestaurant and function room remain open as usual and we continue to offer a take-out service.

We want to reassure you that our first priority is the care and safety of our customers, staff and volunteers.

Ware very proud of our 5-star food hygiene rating and continue to adhere to strict hygiene standards and are following all Government guidance. 

However, there are a couple of other things you could consider to help keep us all safe:

• We can take contactless and card payments which will reduce the handling of cash
• Please wash your hands more often than normal during your visit.


We rely on your custom and continued support and hopefully we can get back to normal soon.


Keep safe everyone!


Rhyl & District RFC – A Community Club

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